Prom is one of the most magical times for a lot of high schoolers. However, did you know that a lot of schools across the country have traditions that they’ve had for years now? Some schools are definitely stricter than others, but a lot of schools share the same traditions. Some seem pretty normal, but some seem very strange!


Here’s an insight of what My School Dance has found out about Prom traditions:


Tradition 1

Garters-It’s very common for girls to get garters that match the color of their dress. There’s always the typical “garter picture” too to show it off. I know you know what I’m talking about. Once at the dance, the girls give their garters to their dates and their dates wear them on their arms. This tradition is supposed to resemble how it’s lucky to keep a piece of a bride’s gown so they do it for Prom too.


Tradition 2

Ties-Once pictures are done, the guys usually give their dates the tie they are wearing. The girls usually wear the tie throughout the dance just like how the guys wear the garters.


Tradition 3

Pep Rallies-A lot of schools for all of their dances will have a school spirit pep rally either the day before or the week of. These are usually pretty fun because they hype the students up and make them get more involved. A lot of times, schools have fun activities or games involved too.


Tradition 4

Ditching-Some schools actually still host Prom on a Friday night compared to a Saturday night, which is crazy! How does anyone have enough time to get ready after being at school all day? That’s why a common tradition is a lot of students skip school the day of if Prom falls on a Friday. Sometimes students will even skip the Monday after Prom too.


Tradition 5

Weekend Long Festivities-Many students will make Prom not just one night, but a weekend long event. Usually, they’ll plan activities or places to go to the day after Prom and sometimes even the day after that too. It’s a weekend event for many students! A lot of students go to an amusement park, to the city, to a festival, etc.


Tradition 6

Promposals-Getting asked to Prom has changed drastically over the years. Couples went from simply asking each other a question to having to create an extravagant proposal to get their hopeful date to go with them. A lot of time and money can go into creating the perfect promposal. Once it’s Prom season, we see the creative ways that students ask their dates!


Tradition 7

After Prom Parties-When I was in school, we never had post Prom parties associated with the school. Now due to safety measures, a lot of schools are hosting After Prom Parties to ensure their students are safe, while still having a fun time. Over the past few years, I’ve seen more and more schools doing this.


Tradition 8

Assigning Dates-Some schools require students to be assigned their dates. For example, they either have their students choose a name out of a hat or they randomly assign the dates. A lot of students would freak out about this, but many students that go to schools that do this don’t actually mind it. It’s a way to make sure everyone is included! Interesting tradition!


Tradition 9

Photoshoots-Prior to taking pictures at the school dance, a lot of students meet and take pictures as a group at another location. Some even go all out and get professional photographers for these photo sessions.


Tradition 10

T-Shirts-Lately, a newer tradition has emerged with the idea of Prom t-shirts. Schools create a design based on the theme of the dance and create t-shirts. They sell them and usually the money goes towards some aspect of the Prom. This seems to be a popular tradition that might be here to stay.


Now that you’ve read some of the typical traditions, which ones does your school follow? I want to know! It’s interesting to see what schools do what and to see which traditions are more common compared to others. Send me an email to let me know! 


If your school is looking for an easier way to manage such a big event, check out My School Dance’s platform! It’s free and easy to use. 


If you liked this blog post, check out these ones next: How To Publicize Your School Dance, Top 5 Prom 2020 Trends You Need To Know Before You Shop, and 10 Actionable Tips To Manage Prom Better!


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