December 27, 2019


The year 2019 brought My School Dance a lot of great things. We’ve grown as a company, grown as a platform, and have grown our user base as well. It’s crazy how quickly a year goes by and how much you can accomplish in that time. Many people think a year is a long time, but it goes by in the blink of an eye. Here’s some of My School Dance’s top highlights for the year:


New Features:

Right before Prom, we launched a series of new enhancements to our platform. Our first one was our Ticket Builder which allows schools to create as many ticket types as they want. Some of these ticket types could be a couples ticket, a discounted ticket, a ticket with a t-shirt, an early bird price ticket, and more. Our next new feature was the Parent Role which allows elementary schools to use our services by having the parent purchase their child’s ticket. We also created a Day of the Dance Dashboard which shows metrics of data and live reporting which is perfect for any dance planner. The last feature was how schools receive their funds. They can either get checks sent to them or use our direct deposit through Stripe. All of these features have been a game-changer for all of our current schools!


New Members:

We’ve welcomed a lot of new members to our My School Dance team that help make a difference in teacher’s lives every single day. Without all of our hardworking team members, we wouldn’t be where we are today! We’re thankful for them and all of the time they commit to helping our users!


New Users:

Our user base is continuously growing and we’re so grateful for that. We’re able to help more and more schools digitize their dances and save themselves time. There’s no better feeling than helping out our hardworking teachers. We love getting feedback from our schools and hearing about how much the platform has helped them!


Going in to 2020, we’re counting our blessings for everything we have and for everyone that has supported us throughout the years. We’re thankful for all of you and hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! See you in 2020 for Prom season! 


Read our favorite 3 blog posts from 2019 here: 4 Time-Saving Tips For Teachers, My School Dance’s Features Provide Extra Safety For School Dances, and 5 Ways To Manage Event Planning Stress!


Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest!



Stephanie Hamilton

