February 1, 2019


“Why do you care so much about school dances?”

“It’s just a school dance, who cares?”


Many people ask why we care so much about high school or middle school dances. A lot of people look at dances in a general view rather than looking at them with a deeper meaning. My School Dance strongly believes that school dances or events like this have a huge impact on our student’s lives.


In today’s world, it seems that teenagers are more disconnected than ever. With the rise of technology and more ways to communicate over the internet, teens are forgetting the importance of face-to-face interaction. On average, high schoolers spend up to 9 hours connected to digital media ranging from social apps like Facebook and Snapchat, to computers and television. 55% of teenagers say that their phones are almost always out when they’re spending time with friends and family. When in school, students spend time learning and studying, sometimes also behind a screen. At home, between extracurricular activities and homework, they’re checking Instagram stories and watching the latest episode of Riverdale. Most of the time, once kids get to high school, they are not having playdates with a variety of friends.


More than 15 million Americans are suffering from social anxiety. This usually begins at the adolescent age. 13% of teens have had at least one major depressive episode. 32% have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. In order to get teenagers to socialize more with kids in positive manners you need to provide opportunities to build social skills, cultivate positive emotions, and practice face-to-face communication skills.


School dances, like Prom or Homecoming, serve as a place for social interaction. Some of the benefits of school dances are:


  • Incredible fundraising opportunities for student activities
  • Create a greater sense of community within the school and boost morale
  • They provide a supervised safe space for students
  • Create memories that can last beyond school
  • They force students to spend time interacting with others & better their social skills


Our students have so much going on in their lives nowadays between school, extra-curricular activities, college applications, etc. It’s important to have events like school dances for them to get out of the classroom environment and have fun.


Now that you know the importance behind school dances, let’s start planning and managing your school’s next dance with My School Dance today! It’s free for schools to use. Sign your school up now! 



Stephanie Hamilton



