February 15, 2019


Have you ever planned and managed something as big as a high school Prom or a Daddy Daughter Dance? With something as big as that comes a lot of challenges that many dance planners have to take on. But, do you know the number 1 challenge that comes along with dance planning and managing?


“Never have enough time.” 


With being involved in the dance planning/managing market, this is the excuse we hear all the time. I totally get it! With everything a dance entails, sometimes you really don’t have enough time. Plus, if you’re the only one in charge of organizing everything, then you REALLY don’t have time.


Unless you’re a professional event planner, a lot of people don’t know the correct way to go about planning a dance. Many teachers volunteer to be in charge of a specific dance on top of all of their other duties. This means they have to define goals, create a schedule, create a budget, choose a venue, speakers, music, food, decor, photographer, manage all data and metrics, sell tickets, collect permission slips, create flyers, advertise, check students in and out, and the list goes on and on.


This is why I’m here to tell you that by managing with My School Dance, we give you countless hours back to focus on the areas that take longer to plan. I’ll give you some examples:


  • Selling ticketsInstead of creating tickets and sitting at lunch selling them, use our online ticket sales feature. This gives you an hour a day back to focus on what decor or musician you want.
  • Collecting permission slipsInstead of creating permission slips, handing them out, collecting them, and keeping them organized, just have students fill out our online permission slips and email them back to you. This way you won’t accidentally lose any of them with all of the paper stacks you already have.
  • Checking students inWhy sit at a table at the entrance of the venue flipping through names to find the student, when you can just scan them with our QR code feature on your phone?
  • DataNo need to constantly create new spreadsheets to organize all the data for the bookkeeper when My School Dance’s reporting will do it for you.
  • PublicityDon’t even bother creating a flyer and hanging them up around your school when you can just share your school’s dance landing page on all your social media sites.
  • ChecklistMy School Dance also has a dance planning checklist so you can use it to make sure you’re on the right timeline for your event.


These are just a few features that will save you endless hours on specific tasks for planning a dance. Now instead of saying, “I never have enough time” you’ll be saying “I have so much time!” 



Stephanie Hamilton

