August 31, 2018


I’m Stephanie Hamilton, the Media & Marketing Specialist at My School Dance! My School Dance is an online platform for high schools to plan dances and events for free. Knowing that Homecoming is coming up, this would’ve been a great tool for my school to plan our Homecoming dance.


Homecoming is definitely my favorite school dance because the school spirit levels are sky high. Every school year, everyone looks forward to the Homecoming festivities because they’re exciting and bring the community together! It’s even better when the majority of the school participates in all of the festivities. There’s no better feeling than being joined as a community cheering on your school! My School Dance works to help schools celebrate each and every one of these special events.


What’s funny is that everyone always thinks Homecoming is just the school’s dance, but there’s so much more to it. Think about it! You have the football game which is 10 times better when you’re versing the school rivalry. Then, there’s the Homecoming Parade which features all of your school’s sports, clubs, and of course, the Homecoming Court. You also get to walk down the street with the whole town cheering for you. It’s such an awesome feeling!


As if that isn’t enough, most schools even have an entire spirit week dedicated to the week of Homecoming. The days ranged from 80’s day to Dress as your Favorite Celebrity Day. The teachers would even dress up too!


On top of all of this, some schools even host a tailgate event where they cookout, paint faces, and play games before the big game. If I remember correctly the food was always really good too!


Once all of the festivities are done, the last part is the school dance. It’s like the end celebration where everyone goes out with a bang! All of these activities seem like a lot of fun, but imagine planning all of that? That’s where My School Dance comes in! By signing your school up, you’re able to use our online platform to plan each and every single one of these events without stressing on the other 25 things you have to do! To all students, parents, teachers, and staff that will be enduring Homecoming events soon: Please enjoy every second of celebrating your town and all of the members in it! If you haven’t signed your school up yet, create your My School Dance account for free!



Stephanie Hamilton


