September 28th, 2018


Hello there! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Stephanie Hamilton and I am the Media & Marketing Specialist with My School Dance. For anyone who has ever planned and managed a school dance, you’ll know how much work and time it takes.


When I was in high school, I was always a part of the dance planning committees and we struggled to get everything accomplished in such little time. That’s why I wanted to provide you with 5 Must Do’s When It Comes To Running A School Dance! The biggest thing when planning something so big is to always have a dance process in place to keep you and your team on track. Let’s get started!


  • Financial ControllerDances are a great way for schools to fundraise! That’s why you want to ensure that you have someone lined up in place to deal with any of the financials regarding the dance. You have to figure out how to keep track of the money, who is going to sell the tickets, and how and when the money will be deposited? My School Dance makes this super easy! You sell all tickets online, have a designated financial controller (most likely your school’s bookkeeper), and you receive your school’s payments instantly from our payment provider, Stripe.
  • FormsAlmost all schools require some type of forms to be filled out before attending a school dance. These could be parent permission forms or event guest permission forms. It might become a little hectic if you have every student turning in paper forms and are left with over 500 pieces of paper. You want to make sure you have a process in place when it comes to handling all of the forms. That’s why My School Dance allows students, parents, and guests to receive and sign agreements digitally. Now you don’t have to worry about the big stack of paper on your desk! 
  • Communicate with ParentsThis is one of the most important things to remember when managing a dance. You always want to make sure the parents know that their child is safe and where they are supposed to be. That’s why My School Dance created a QR Code feature. This will allow schools to scan the student’s QR Code that’s on their ticket and a text message can be sent out to parents alerting them when their child arrives and leaves the dance. 
  • Creative TeamA dance requires a lot of creativity especially when it comes to the visuals. You need to have some sort of team on board that will be in charge of decorations, venue, music, food, theme, etc. You can use My School Dance’s pre-loaded planner checklist to stay organized and ensure you’re getting accomplished what you need to.
  • ManagingThe big part to managing a dance is ensuring all of the processes are getting accomplished and following a deadline sheet for each. A nice part when it comes to managing is that instead of manually flipping through packets of papers to verify attendance, schools can just use My School Dance’s QR Code to track the data.


If you want to ensure your school manages their dance in the most effective way, you need to have a set platform in place. If you don’t know what platform to use try My School Dance. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a simple, modern way to manage your school’s dance. Plus, it’s free for school’s to use. If you haven’t signed your school up yet, create your My School Dance account for free!



Stephanie Hamilton

